The symptoms of bladder infection in dogs can be troubling for both pet and owner. Because their bodies are so much smaller than ours, any kind of urinary tract problem can be much more serious for dogs. As distressing as urinary issues may be, there are ways you can treat the symptoms and ease the discomfort for your best friend and even help him to fight off any recurrence.

A build up of bacteria in the urinary tract leads to bladder infection and, if left untreated, can further lead to bladder or kidney blockage. In order to avoid these serious and even life threatening complications, it is important to get all urinary tract issues properly diagnosed as quickly as possible. This means you need to be aware of your dog's regular routine and take immediate action if you notice any change in that routine.

The primary symptoms of bladder infection in dogs are fever, loss of appetite and lethargy. These are also normally the first signs that most owners have that something is wrong. If you notice your dog exhibiting these symptoms, you should get him to the vet as quickly as possible for proper diagnosis and treatment.

While most bladder infections begin with these symptoms, other symptoms can also present themselves including trouble urinating, blood in the urine, a need to urinate frequently and urinating in unusual places. Any difficulties or changes in urination habits are a good indicator that something is wrong and the sooner you can get your dog medical attention, the less likely it is that the problem will develop into something more serious.

Once your vet has diagnosed the symptoms of bladder infection in dogs, he is likely to prescribe a course of antibiotics to clear up the problem. While antibiotics can certainly help to ease surface symptoms, they are actually quiet ineffective when it comes to treating the overall problem because they do not address the underlying cause. Also, many antibiotics can have serious side effects, making them a less than ideal option.

Since bladder infection, particularly recurring infection, can lead to a weakening of the immune system, it is imperative that any treatment you use also works to improve immune system function. The best way to achieve this is with the use of homeopathic remedies. Made from a blend of herbs and other plant based ingredients such as Cantharis, Staphysagris and Berberis, these natural products work safely and gently to address symptoms and strengthen the immune system at the same time.

Responsible pet owners should never settle for just treating the symptoms. It is also extremely important to help your dog fight off recurrence by improving overall health and strengthening the immune system. Nothing achieves this end as effectively as homeopathic remedies. And because they are made entirely from plant-based ingredients, these remedies are completely safe, with no harsh side effects. It's just the gentle, healing touch you want for your pet. In addition to treating the symptoms of bladder infection in dogs, they get to the source of the problem, restore the pH of the urine and prevent recurrences.

No-one likes to deal with the painful and frustrating symptoms of bladder infection but now there is something you can do to help your dog fight back. Consider all your options and consult with your vet about the safe, gentle, all-natural alternative. You and your dog will both feel better for it.

Laura Ramirez is a caring researcher of herbal remedies that heal urinary problems and keep pets vibrant and healthy. Get more information about natural remedies and

By: Laura Ramirez